Real name or nick name Jesse's the name and Fraggin's the game

Better known as Hellbringr{Moo}

Icq # No thanks, trying to quit.
Personal homepage Don't got no new homesite, but I think i's found

a home here at MooClan! :)

Other homepage Nea. Maybe one day when I grow up.
System Pitiful, just pitiful.... Pent II 300, 128mb ram
Video Oh yea... Voodoo 3dfx

(that is until the NVIDIA GeforceFX comes out! :))) )

Connection Connection, connection, connection is nice... Cable modem !!!!!!!!!

On a slow day, its fast. On a fast day, its even faster. On a great day,... heck even I can't keep up with it,,, its so fast. :)

Operating System Windows2000 pro
Favorite Level Oh, its just too hard to decide. I just love em all. Just give me a good solid wall to duck behind every now and then when Trixie's around that is... 8-)
Favorite weapon Rocket launcher and double barreled SG. Notin' better than seeing that long shot from across the room when the rocket impacts for the frag... ahhhhh!@
Favorite model/skin Use to use things like Kenny, or the alien, or the rockin'chair granny, etc

However, I just love to see all the creativity of the various players. The Bull is sooooo-cool! The little gray, hard to see alien can really sneakup on you. And then there's Trixie... easy to spot, nice target. Likes to fly

alot too.

Catch Phrase Oops! You blew it.
Birthday 06/09/58
Interests Licking stamps... no fun. Chasing girls.... much more fun. Especially when they finally hold still long enough for you to get a good aim with your rocket launcher!! ;0)

Computers, networking, dancing(swing type), Motorcycles, Quake, Quake2, Quake3, Everquest, DoomIII, good MP3's, Bassboats(fishing & Riding), Movies and I love to study Tech stuff about Cisco, Linux, Microsoft, etc.

Location Ridgeland Ms about a stones throw north of Jackson Ms.
Occupation Network Admin stuff for a Community College and the State Board of Community Colleges
Married/Single Single... mostly because I can still run good.
Children Nope. The neighbors use to bring there's over but they stopped because I kept trying to convince them to let me use them as fraggin practice. They would make really good targets.... slow, easy to hit and you don't have to lead them nearly as much... hehe! (just kidding)
CLQ Page
Other Favorite Site www.mooclan.com www.mooclan.com www.mooclan.com

www.mooclan.com www.mooclan.com www.mooclan.com www.mooclan.com