Member Status: Booted - cussing with a "I could care less attitude"
1. Real name or nick name Alvin or Little Konky ( I use konkster, cuz its shorter)
2. Icq #
3. Personal homepage
4. Other homepage
5. System Pent.II 266 96 meg RAM
6. Video
7. Connection 56k modem thru MSN
8. Operating System Wind 95
9. Favorite Level JUMP
10. Favorite weapon broadsword and explosive crossbow
11. Favorite skin/class/ havoc bot skin, the blue one
12. Catch Phrase "I Rock!"
13. Age 17
14. Interests quake2, starcraft.... diablo ... want everquest =)... i like girls.... preferably naked... = )
15. Location Rochester, NY of the USA
16. Occupation Senior at Edison Tech.